Thomas Paine Talks Tea Party
Thomas Paine Tells Glenn Beck and the Tea Party: "You've Got it All Wrong!"
American Freethought
Teaser for the 4- part documentary featuring Thomas Paine.
Paine Vs. Burke
Thom Hartmann interviews Harvey Kaye Paine was the father of American Democracy. Harvey J. Kaye, Professor of Democracy and Justice...
Thomas Paine's 274TH Birthday Celebration, The Headstrong Evening Club
The Thomas Paine Society, The Headstrong Evening Club's 274TH Thomas Paine Birthday Celebration held at Castle Green, Pasadena,...
Conversations with Great Minds with Professor Harvey Kaye
Harvey J. Kaye is the Ben and Joyce Rosenberg Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies and Director of the Center for History and...

Bill Moyers Journal on Paine - With Video
On the 200th anniversary of Thomas Paine's death, Bill Moyers sits down with THOMAS PAINE AND THE PROMISE OF AMERICA author Harvey J....